Miquel Fuster was born and grew up in Barcelona. His golden age as a comic artist goes back to the 60s when he worked for Selecciones Ilustradas. Twenty years later and coinciding with several unfortunate events (a sudden sentimental separation, a fire in his family’s home, the decline of the market for the kind of comics he produced), the street became his home and stayed his home for 15 years. He painted aquarelles with architectural themes of Barcelona, which he sold, to tourists and art dealers. He survived with little money and found solace in alcohol. “I lived exiled within myself, because that person wasn’t me.”
Miguel, 15 años en la calle (Miguel, 15 years in the street). At the age of 71 he continues to publish work in the 20 Minutos and on his blog. Part of his time is dedicated to giving conferences and other talks where he tells his life story and how easy it can be to fall in the street.